by Commissioner Allocco and it carried 7-0.
Rebecca Bays
John Allocco
Elizabeth Narverud, Ruthie Schlabach, John Allocco, Cabot
McBride, Blake Bell, Rebecca Bays, and Jerry Campbell
Jeff Kinnard, Steve Champion, and Pat Fitzpatrick
Presentation on the Lake Lindsey Roundabout
David Guttenplan, Engineer, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Project
Management, shared a PowerPoint presentation on the need to add a roundabout at US 41
and Lake Lindsey Road to minimize crashes, especially angle crashes. Mayor Bell asked for
the timeline to complete the roundabout to which Ms. Monk, Government Liaison responded
that the timeline for the project will be published when funds become available, but it is being
presented to add the project to the List of Priority Projects (LOPP) that is on this agenda as
the next item. Commissioner Bays asked what the criteria was to select this location. Mr.
Guttenplan indicated that even though this location did not have high traffic volume, if a
location has five angle crashes per year in a 24-month period, the location qualifies for
improvement. Commissioner Allocco commented on the benefit of a roundabout during
power outages. The presentation was well received by the MPO Board, and the Board agreed
with the recommendation to add this project to the List of Priority Projects (LOPP).
Review and Approval of the Hernando/Citrus Metropolitan Planning Organization
(MPO) List of Priority Projects (LOPP)
Mr. Esposito reviewed the recommended updates to the List of Priority Projects. He noted
that Project #1 continues to be US 41 in Citrus County. Mr. Esposito indicated that he and
Carl Mikyska, Pasco County MPO Executive Director, have a meeting scheduled with the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on July 25, 2023, to discuss the possibility of
swapping Item 2, County Line Road with another project. Commissioner Allocco asked if
MPO staff is regularly communicating with state representatives and senators to keep them
abreast of key developments to transportation priorities prior to such meetings. Mr. Esposito
acknowledged. Mr. Esposito reviewed with the Board that Item 6 was new to the list which is
the roundabout at US 41 and Lake Lindsey Road presented by Mr. Guttenplan. Item 13, a
roundabout at US 41 and North Citrus Springs Boulevard, was added taking our LOPP from
15 to 17 items.
Commissioner Narverud asked why Item 8, adding two additional lanes to US 41 between
Spring Hill Drive and Powell Road, was a congestion management (CM) priority. Mayor Bell
and Commissioner Campbell mentioned the expansion of the airport and that Pasco County is
widening US 41 up to County Line Road and it would not be conducive to lane shift from six
lanes to four. Commissioner Allocco asked for clarification on the one-way pairs in the
Brooksville area and if it would change the designation of that road, requiring Cobb Road to
become the truck bypass. Mr. Esposito affirmed the City of Brookville would assume
responsibility of the one-way pairs thus allowing the City to post No Truck Traffic signs and
divert truck traffic to the designated bypass versus Cobb Road.