Award of Contract to ITI Marketing, Inc., for Florida’s Adventure Coast Website Hosting, Maintenance and Search Engine Optimization for Tourism Development
The Tourism Department utilizes the services of ITI Digital Marketing, Inc., for their website, FloridasAdventureCoast.com, including three (3) DXP Modules, hosting and maintenance of the modules and website, plus SEO services to maximize results for organic search.
The modules (SaaS) provide automation of content, including our tourism partner’s company listings, events and festivals, and a trip planner/itinerary builder, allowing potential visitors to create their own custom trips, and share them with family and friends. The User Generated Content (UGC) is curated into custom portfolios that appear on each page, based on topic.
The Board approved the previous contract with ITI Digital in February 2023, directing staff to start the RFP process for the website, including DXP modules, hosting and maintenance and SEO. Staff has initiated the RFP process; however, it will take up to another six months for the RFP process to be completed. The previous ITI Digital contract expired on September 30, 2023; however, ITI Digital continues to provide its services. ITI Digital’s continuity of service and website functionality while the RFP process continues is imperative; accordingly, staff has requested ITI Digital provide pricing for the modules, hosting and maintenance and SEO, for the six-month period from October 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024.
The expenses listed below were approved in the budgeting process and are below the threshold for bidding. Staff is requesting approval of this new contract retroactive to October 1, 2023 and expiring on March 31, 2024.
WordPress Hosting & Maintenance $7,000
ITI Digital DXP Content Modules; Places, Events, Trip Planner, Itinerary
Builder, Instagram UCG, DXP Dashboard Content Management
Software Platform $14,400
Advanced SEO $12,000
Total Web Services (October 23 - March 24) $33,400
Funding of the $33,400 is included in the FY2024 Budget: Expense Account No. 1261-02811-5304805 Tourist Development Tax - Tourist Development - Promo-Website & Related Expenses.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board approve the new contract to ensure continuation of subscriptions services, in the amount of $33,400.