Request Submitted by Library Services to Apply for 2025 Seeds of Knowledge Library Demonstration Garden Grant With Florida Wildflower Foundation
The Seeds of Knowledge Library Demonstration Garden Grant brings public awareness to support a growing interest in native plants. As community hubs and centers of learning and activity, libraries attract and serve a diverse population of varying races, ages, genders, and socioeconomic backgrounds, many of whom may not be aware of the importance, function, and beauty of native plants. As such, libraries present a unique opportunity to showcase native plants and the pollinators they attract to a large and potentially unfamiliar audience by way of small native plant demonstration landscapes.
The grant’s objective is to familiarize people with a wide array of native plants, demonstrate their landscaping potential, and highlight their crucial role in supporting local wildlife. This is achieved through demonstrative gardens featuring educational elements, alongside a seed library that distributes Florida native seeds suited to the region.
This Florida Wildflower Foundation grant program provides funding plants with which to establish a native plant demonstration garden at a public library. It also includes Florida native seed packets for dispersal to the public through a seed library.
The goals of this program are to:
• Establish or enhance a native demonstration planting at a public library.
• Provide educational programming relevant to the planting and its purpose.
• Increase the awareness and knowledge of native wildflowers, grasses and flowering shrubs and vines among visitors by demonstrating the benefits and beauty of Florida native plants in cultivated landscapes.
• Establish and maintain a seed library on site with Florida native ecotype seeds and make them available for distribution to the public. (Seeds will be provided by the Foundation and will be appropriate for the region. Additional yearly support for the seed library may be applied for.)
Library Services is asking for approval to submit the 2025 Seeds of Knowledge Pilot Program Application to the Florida Wildflower Foundation by February 1, 2025, to receive up to $750 in grant funding to purchase native plants and create a demonstration garden at the Main Library branch. If awarded, this will allow the library to transform its green space and educate the community about native plants.
There is no financial impact. If awarded, this grant may provide Library Services up to $750 in funding for this project.
The Board has the authority to act upon this matter pursuant to Florida Statutes, Sec.
It is recommended the Board approve and authorize staff to electronically submit the 2025 Seeds of Knowledge Pilot Program Application. If this grant is awarded, documentation will be presented to the Board for acceptance.