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File #: 12484   
Type: Agenda Item Status: Adopted
File created: 6/28/2023 In control: Board of County Commissioners
On agenda: 8/8/2023 Final action: 8/8/2023
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Discussion Regarding Improvement of Medians Along Mariner Boulevard From Elgin Boulevard to Landover Boulevard; Approval of Scope of Services With Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc., for Engineering Design Services for Mariner Boulevard Median Modification Project and Associated Budget Amendment
Attachments: 1. Aerial - Mariner Blvd., Medians (Elgin Blvd., to Landover Blvd.), 2. Exhibit A - Scope of Services for Engineering Design Services, 3. Exhibit B - Task Fee Quotation Proposal, 4. Budget Amendment - Mariner Median Improvment Project



Discussion Regarding Improvement of Medians Along Mariner Boulevard From Elgin Boulevard to Landover Boulevard; Approval of Scope of Services With Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc., for Engineering Design Services for Mariner Boulevard Median Modification Project and Associated Budget Amendment




At a recent Board meeting, the Board requested staff provide information regarding improvement of the medians along Mariner Boulevard from Elgin Boulevard to Landover Boulevard (2.4 miles).  Attached for the Board’s review and direction to staff is a Scope of Services for Engineering Design Services for Median Modifications and Task Fee Quotation Proposal provided by Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc.


The Scope of Services is required to prepare an analysis and a conceptual plan for median modifications for approximately 12,500 LF of Mariner Boulevard from Elgin Boulevard South to Landover Boulevard.  The project limits consist of access management review and recommendation for access management within the medians along Mariner Boulevard.  The conceptual design process will design the scope for the final design and permitting.  Once the conceptual design is approved, pricing for the final design and permitting will be provided.  Project deliverables will include two public meetings for stakeholder engagement.


The Task Fee Quotation Proposal is $84,415.00 (Exhibit B attached).



Should the Board approve moving forward with the Mariner Median project, funding for outside design ($84,415.00), as well as in-house engineering review billing totaling $87,000.00 will be appropriated with Account No. 1015-03221-5616310, County Fuel Tax Fund, Improvements-Traffic Management with approval of attached budget amendment realigning funds from Capital Reserves.



The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.




It is recommended the Board discuss and provide direction regarding the improvement of medians along Mariner Boulevard from Elgin Boulevard to Landover Boulevard, and further provide direction regarding other potential corridors for median modifications.


Should the Board be in favor of moving forward with the proposed improvement of the medians along Mariner Boulevard from Elgin Boulevard to Landover Boulevard, it is recommended the Board approve the attached Scope of Services for Engineering Design Services for Median Modifications and Task Fee Quotation Proposal in the amount of $84,415.00 to Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc., and also approve the attached budget amendment realigning funding from reserves.