Award of Contract to Seggie Custom Builders, LLC, for Lake Townsen Park Americans With Disabilities Act Pedestrian Sidewalk and Roadway Maintenance Improvements (Contract No. 23-C00022; Amount: $298,799.49)
The Procurement Department issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 23-C00022 on February 8, 2023, at the request of Hernando County Department of Parks and Recreation.
The Procurement Department placed the legal advertisement and the ITB on the County’s eProcurement Portal on February 8, 2023. The ITB was sent to 2,290 registered vendors including 187 small businesses, 28 disabled veteran enterprises (DBEs), 206 minority owned business enterprises (MBE) and 164 woman-owned business enterprises (WBE). Twenty-three (23) vendors downloaded the ITB, and two (2) submissions were received. The following is a summary of the Bids received.
Bidder Total Base Bid
DB Civil Construction, LLC $369,555.00
Seggie Custom Builders, LLC $298,799.49
The bids were evaluated based on price, conformance with specifications, and the Bidder’s ability to perform the Contract in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications required. Bid responses were reviewed and evaluated by Hernando County Parks and Recreation and Procurement Department. The Hernando County Parks and Recreation Department is recommending award to Seggie Custom Builders, LLC.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to the Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Funding to award Contract No. 23-C00022 will be available by transferring $173,000 from the Budget Reserve for Capital Needs Account No. 0011-05991-5909998 to the Expenditure Account No. 0011-04441-5606301. Funding in this account will then total $318,000 for this project.
In accordance with Part II, Chapter 2, Article V of the Hernando County Code of Ordinances.
It is recommended that the Board approve and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the attached construction agreement for the award of Contract No. 23-C00022 for Lake Townsen Park Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) pedestrian sidewalk and roadway maintenance improvements in the amount of $298,799.49 with a $20,000 contingency.
It is further recommended that the Board authorize the Chief Procurement Officer to approve change orders as they become necessary and required up to available budgeted amounts.