Final Close-Out of Contract With Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., for Frontage Road Addition at SR 50 and I-75 (Contract No. 19-C00102/DK; Amount: $25,646.66)
The Frontage Road addition at SR 50 and I-75 paving project was awarded by the Board on July 16, 2019, Doc Id. No. 15935, to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,064,687.76.
• Change Order One (1): No-cost time extension for additional work extending the project approximately thirty-five feet on each side of SR 50 to tie the roads into the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) widening of SR 50, adding 25 days; new completion date of August 29, 2020.
• Change Order Two (2): No-cost time extension to add 30 days due to a redesign within the work of Sherman Hills and for weather delays; new completion date of September 28, 2020.
• Change Order Three (3): Temporary Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) needed to provide access through the existing roadway into Sherman Hills. The FDOT SR 50 widening project is behind schedule holding up the Sherman Hills access roadway, increasing the contract by $8,512.50 from $2,064,687.76, to $2,073,200.26.
• Change Order Four (4): No-cost time extension to add 45 days; 35 days due to required additional work on Sherman Hills Boulevard alignment and 10 days for weather delay; new completion date of November 12, 2020.
• Change Order Five (5): An internal accounting change only to increase Line 1 to $120,509.49 and decrease Line 4 to $120,509.49, a no-cost change.
• Change Order Six (6): No-cost time extension for 88 days due to a conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of March 12, 2021.
• Change Order Seven (7): No-cost time 90-day extension due to a conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of June 10, 2021.
• Change Order Eight (8): No-cost time 90-day extension due to conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of September 8. 2021.
• Change Order Nine (9): No cost 90-day time extension due to conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of December 7, 2021.
• Change Order Ten (10): Increase $4,005.50 for temporary delineators and storage for 300 days, increasing from $2,073,200.26, to $2,077,205.76.
• Change Order Eleven (11): No cost 150-day time extension due to conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of May 6, 2022.
• Change Order Twelve (12): No cost 90-day time extension due to conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of August 4, 2022.
• Change Order Thirteen (13): No cost 185-day time extension due to conflict with FDOT project; new completion date of February 5, 2023.
• Change Order Fourteen (14): Increase $105,661.03 due to an increase in material cost and services, increasing from $2,077,205.76, to $2,182,866.79.
• Change Order Fifteen (15): Increase $30,152.75 for signage, increasing from $2,182,866.79, to $2,213,019.54 and a 45-day extension to install signage; new completion date of March 22, 2023.
• Change Order Sixteen (16): Internal accounting change only. Line 1 exceeded one (1) million dollars. Decrease Line 1 to $91,913.95 and move funds to new Line 6, a no-cost change. Purchase Order total remains $2,213,019.54.
• Change Order Seventeen (17): Decrease $50,996.84, due to project being completed, decreasing from $2,213,019.54, to $2,162,022.70.
The Final Contract amount is $2,162,022.70 (PO No. 19000942).
The work has been completed and Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., has submitted its Final Pay Application No. Fifteen (15) in the amount of $25,646.66.
Funding is available in the following accounts:
• Account No. 03322-5616306 - project # 105860 (Impact Fee-Road Dist. 2, Improv-Roads & Bridges) in the amount of $2,679.50.
• Account No. 1022-2050067 (LOGT 1-5 Gas Res Rds., Retainage-Goodwin Const.) in the amount of $3,718.82.
• Retainage Fund Account No. 3302-2050067 (IF Srchg I -75/SR50, Retainage-Goodwin Const) in the amount of $2,023.75.
• Retainage Fund No. 3332-2050067 (Impact Fee - Road Dist. 2 Retainage-Goodwin Const.) in the amount of $17,224.59.
The Board has the authority to take the recommended action on this item pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes. (All releases properly include Hernando County.) Goodwin has signed a release of lien. No notices of lien or claims of lien have been filed on the project.
It is recommended the Board approve Final Pay Request No. Fifteen (15) in the amount of $25,646.66 to Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., to close-out frontage road addition at SR 50 and I-75 paving project under Contract No. 19-C00102/DK.
The final Contract amount is $2,162,022.70, an increase of $97,334.94 from BOCC award.