Budget Amendment to Reallocate Funds From Capital Improvement Project to General Fund to Cover Costs Associated With Lake Townsen Boat Ramp Project for Aquatic Services and Waterways Department
The cost estimate for the Lake Townsen boat ramp project exceeded the amount allocated in FY 25 budget (Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissioner (FWC) grant and Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) fund). The Department requests use of funding allocated to two projects (Freshwater boat ramp plan and Mud River surveying) to cover the remaining costs of the Lake Townsen boat ramp project. The Freshwater boat ramp master plan is listed under the Capital Improvement Plan for FY25, and the Mud River surveying is allocated to the General Fund under department (01461).
As Hernando County’s freshwater boat ramps are in satisfactory condition, delaying development of a freshwater boat ramp master plan one year would be acceptable. The Mud River surveying project is related to the proposed Manatee Protection Zone (MPZ) project. County Staff is coordinating with FWC on the MPZ, however a survey of the selected waterbody will be required. Based on recent evaluation of the Mud River and Jenkins Creek, it may provide a greater benefit if the County prioritizes Jenkins Creek as there is a greater abundance of manatees seeking refuge in this area. It is the intent of County Staff to place both the Mud River and Jenkins Creek under an MPZ.
Attachments include: the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) summary for CIP 111260 for Lake Townsen boat ramp, budget allocations for Aquatic Services department, and construction cost estimate for the project.
Funding is available in the Aquatic Services and Waterways Department (01461) current budget, including part of this CIP; however, two projects will need to be postponed to next year to free up enough budget to complete the project. The attached budget amendment realigns funds for this change, but the department wanted to ensure the Board approved of this change, due to utilizing funds allocated for other CIPs.
Cost Estimate (received on April 8, 2024) = $704,922.18
Upon approval of the attached budget amendment, which reallocates funds from the other projects to this one, sufficient funding will be available in the following accounts:
$75,000 is available once the FY24 PO Roll (LS 15102) is processed in: Fund: 0011 - General Fund, Department: 01461 - AQUATIC SERVICES, Account: 5303401 - CONTRACTED SERVICES
$100,000 is available in: Fund: 0011 - General Fund, Department: 01461 - AQUATIC SERVICES, Account: 5606301 - IMPROV (GRTR THAN 10,000)
$335,000 is available in: Fund: 1051 - FL BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM , Department: 04571 - FL BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, Account: 5606301 - IMPROV (GRTR THAN 10,000)
$200,000 is available in: Fund: 1051 - FL BOATING IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM , Department: 37202 - DPW-LKE TOWNSEN BOAT RAMP, Account: 5606378 - IMPROV-FL BOAT IMPR PRGM. These are grant funds and would need to be utilized or they won’t be available in the future.
Total funds available = $710,000
The Board is authorized to act upon this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board approve the reallocation of CIP funding to General Fund (01461) to cover costs associated with the Lake Townsen boat ramp project.