Resolution Increasing Annual Solid Waste Disposal Assessment Rates
The Solid Waste Department Assessment has been in effect since 1990. This assessment is paid by every single-family and multi-family residential unit in the County to cover the cost of disposing of their trash. The amounts collected pay for the operations of the landfill and convenience centers and are not used for trash collection services. The rates are currently $85.50 (single-family) and $77.98 (multi-family) per unit.
The Solid Waste Department is requesting an increase in the Solid Waste Disposal Assessment rates. This increase is necessary due to inflation, the rising operational costs, and bond payments due to construction of Cell 4.
The assessment for each parcel of property will be based upon each parcel’s classification and total number of assessable residential units attributed to that parcel. The following tables reflect the proposed solid waste disposal assessment schedules.
The Solid Waste Department recommends the Board conduct a public hearing and adopt resolution approving the increased Solid Waste Disposal Assessments effective January 1, 2024.
Approve the recommended solid waste disposal assessment for calendar year 2024 to $94.91 for 82,867 single family residential units and $85.78 per unit for 1,777 multi-family residential units. The total estimated amount to be collected is $7,616,353 at a 95% collection rate.
The Board has legal authority to set Solid Waste Disposal Assessment rates pursuant to Section 403.7049, and Chapters 125 and 197, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended the Board conduct a public hearing, adopt, and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the attached resolution increasing the Annual Solid Waste Disposal Assessment rate from $85.50 to the recommended amount of $94.91 for single-family residential units and from $77.98 to the recommended amount of $85.78 per unit for multi-family residential units for calendar year 2024.