Appointment of Paul Passarelli and Richard Savenero, Sr. as Members to Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for Two-Year Term in Accordance With State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act
During the 2007 Legislative session, the Florida Legislature reinstated the requirement that all local governments who participated in the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) program must have an Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC). The Legislature also required that the AHAC be made up of eleven (11) members instead of nine (9) as in the original statutes and ordinance and must represent specific areas/backgrounds. Effective October 1, 2020, the Legislature required that the committee must consist of one locally elected official from each county or municipality participating in the SHIP program.
Staff is recommending that the two individuals listed below for appointment or reappointment and representing the specific areas/backgrounds reappointed to the AHAC for a term of two (2) years as prescribe in Ordinance No. 2008-10.
• Proposed reappointment Paul Passarelli - A citizen who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing.
• Proposed reappointment Richard Savenero Sr. - A citizen who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing.
The AHAC is charged to, annually, review established policies and procedures, ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local government comprehensive plan and recommend specific actions or initiatives to encourage or facilitate affordable housing while protection the ability of the property to appreciate in value. The recommendations may include the modification or repeal of existing policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions; the creation of exceptions applicable to affordable housing; or the adoption of new policies, procedures, regulations, ordinances, or plan provisions, including recommendations to amend the comprehensive plan and corresponding regulations, ordinances, and other policies.
The Board may take action per Florida Statutes 420.9076.
It is recommended that the Board approve the reappointment of the two following citizens to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) for a term of two years.
• Reappointment of Paul Passarelli - A citizen who is actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons in connection with affordable housing.
• Reappointment Richard Savenero Sr. - A citizen who is actively engaged in the residential home building industry in connection with affordable housing.