Ratification of Proclamation No. 2025-03 Seventeenth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency Due to Hurricane Helene and Fifteenth Extension of Declaration of State of Local Emergency Due to Hurricane Milton
Governor Ron DeSantis declared a State of Emergency in the State of Florida due to the severity of Hurricane Helene on September 23, 2024, with Executive Order No. 24-208.
Governor Ron DeSantis declared a State of Emergency in the State of Florida due to the severity of Hurricane Milton on October 5, 2024, with Executive Order No. 24-214.
A Declaration of Local State of Emergency for Hurricane Helene, Proclamation No. 2024-04, was enacted September 23, 2024. It was subsequently extended by Proclamation Nos. 2024-05, 2024-06, 2024-08, 2024-09, 2024-10, 2024-11, 2024-12, 2024-13, 2024-14, 2024-15, 2024-16, 2024-17, 2024-18, 2024-19, 2025-01 and 2025-02, is hereby extended for an additional seven days from the effective date of the extension, unless terminated or modified earlier or extended in accordance with law.
A Declaration of Local State of Emergency for Hurricane Milton, Proclamation No. 2024-07, was enacted October 6, 2024. It was subsequently extended by Proclamation Nos. 2024-08, 2024-09, 2024-10, 2024-11, 2024-12, 2024-13, 2024-14, 2024-15, 2024-16, 2024-1 2024-18, 2024-19, 2025-01 and 2025-02, is hereby extended for an additional term of seven days from the effective date of the extension, unless terminated or modified earlier or extended in accordance with law.
These States of Local Emergency for Hernando County were extended for another period of seven (7) days, effective January 19, 2025, through January 25, 2025, with Proclamation No. 2025-03. Proclamation No. 2025-03 was signed by the Board Chairman in conjunction with the Executive Policy Group on January 14, 2025. All emergency powers that Proclamation Nos. 2024-04 and 2024-07 authorized are retained and continued for the duration of t...
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