Consideration of Settlement Offer to Compromise Outstanding Civil Restitution Lien Order Filed Against Charles James Baker
On August 12, 2011, a Civil Restitution Lien Order (CRLO) was recorded in Book 2841, Page 1753 of the Official Records of Hernando County, Florida against Charles James Baker. Said lien was in the amount of $1,500.00 and has been accruing judgment interest pursuant to Florida law since that time.
On July 18, 2023, Mr. Baker proposed paying the principal amount of the lien in full as one lump sum in exchange for the Board’s waiver of the interest due on the principal of the lien.
Should the Board vote to accept the offer, the Clerk’s Finance Division will accept the $1,500.00 to pay the principal amount of the lien and then issue Mr. Baker a United States Internal Revenue Service Form 1099 in the amount of the total interest that would be forgiven by the Board ($1,081.59 as of August 8, 2023). Once the lien is paid and the 1099 issued, the County Attorney’s Office will record the attached satisfaction of lien.
Neither the Board nor staff will need to take any further action if the Board votes to decline Mr. Baker’s settlement offer.
The Board is authorized to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
The County Attorney’s Office makes no recommendation. This agenda item presents purely a public policy matter, and the Board should determine whether or not it wishes to accept the settlement offer with the terms outlined above.