Utilization of Sourcewell Contract With Syn-tech Systems, Inc., for Fuel Controller System for Fleet Department (Estimated Annual Amount: $340,957.94)
On December 28, 2023, Hernando County Fleet Department submitted a request to the Procurement Department to piggyback Sourcewell Contract No. 092920-SYS, to provide new fuel controller system for County fuel sites located at Fleet, Wiscon Utilities, and Fire Departments with a contract expiration of December 7, 2024, and one (1) additional one (1) year renewal period.
Hernando County Fleet currently has a contract with Asset Works that expires March 31, 2024, for current fuel controller system and is requesting a piggyback approval with Syntech Systems, Inc., to provide these services for the contract term with renewal, in the estimated spend amount of $340,957.94.
• Equipment, Labor, Installation and Software estimated total funding of $332,077.94.
• Annual FMLive Service is estimated as $8,880.00 annually for two-year (contract term with an additional one (1) year renewal).
Hernando County Procurement Department has assigned File No. 24-P0120Q to this Contract for tracking purposes.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
A Budget Amendment was completed by Hernando County Fleet November 30, 2023, to add additional funds in Account No. 08011-5606301 (Central Fuel System/ Improv GRTR than 50,000.00) for FY24. Total funding for FY 24 is $340,957.94.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended the Board approve the utilization of Sourcewell Contract No. 092920-SYS (Hernando County File No. 24-P0120Q) with Syntech Systems, Inc., for the contract term with renewal, in the estimated spending amount of $340,957.94.