Resolution Reducing Speed Limit to 30MPH and Permitting Usage of Golf Carts During Daytime Hours Within Hernando Beach Business District on Shoal Line Boulevard Between Bluefish Drive and Calienta Street and Within Adjacent Residential Neighborhoods to West of Shoal Line Boulevard
On June 11, 2024, the Department of Public Works presented to the Board of County Commissioners the results of a study of 238 Hernando Beach Residents, in which 63% favored a business district allowing golf cart usage.
A reduction in the speed limit from 40 mph to 30 mph, golf cart signage with blinking lights, like a school zone, and a two-phase implementation of golf carts initially restricted to daytime hours to be followed by a second phase allowing nighttime usage was discussed and unanimously approved.
The Department of Public Works has proposed an implementation plan to create the Hernando Beach Business District, lower the speed limit to 30 mph within that district and permit the daytime use of golf carts in that district and adjacent residential neighborhoods. The Hernando Beach Business District is defined as that area of Shoal Line Boulevard between Bluefish Drive and Calienta Street.
The implementation of 30 mph signage, golf cart signage and yellow flashing beacons in the Hernando Beach Business District with golf cart access is presented for final approval. A second approval by the Board will be necessary when the daytime hours only restriction on golf cart use in the Hernando Beach Business District is removed.
Funds in the amount of $1,875.00 are available from Hernando County Department of Public Works:
Fund: 1011 - Transportation Trust Fund, Department: 03081 - DPW-Traffic Division, Account: 5305310 - Materials-Signs. Signage installation will be accomplished by in-house staff.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 316, Florida Statutes.
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