Utilization of Sourcewell Contract With Jet-Vac Equipment Company, LLC, for Purchase of Multi-Hog Sweeper for Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport (Contract No. 23-PG00012J; Amount: $166,433.24)
On July 24, 2023, the Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport submitted a request to the Procurement Department to piggyback Sourcewell Contract No. 111522-MUL, to provide airport runway equipment, products and services with a contract expiration of February 3, 2027, the Contract provides for one (1) additional one (1) year renewal period.
The Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport currently has no airport runway equipment, products and services contract and requests piggyback approval with Jet-Vac Equipment Company, LLC to provide those Contract services for the contract term with one year renewal. Hernando County Procurement Department has assigned No. 23-PG0012J to this Contract for tracking purposes.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Funding is available in Hernando County Airport. Purchase will only be made against available department budgeted funds. Funds budgeted in Grant Account No. 34297-5626401(AP-Ramp Sweeper) and Airport Account No. 07411-5626401(Airport Operations). Grant GMS No. 500.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board approve the utilization of Sourcewell contract with Jet-Vac Equipment Company, LLC for the purchase of a multi-hog sweeper for the Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport in the amount of $166,433.24.
It is further recommended the Board approve the Chief Procurement Officer to renew the contract with the same terms and conditions and approve change orders as they become necessary and required up to annual budgeted amounts.