Review and Approval of the Annual Updates to the Bylaws of the Hernando/Citrus MPO Board's Committees
Staff conducted its annual review and update on the Bylaws for the Hernando/Citrus MPO's committees: Technical Advisory Committee (TAC), Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC), and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Attached are the Bylaws reflecting redline/strikethrough proposed changes.
The minor updates made to the each of the committee Bylaws include the following:
* update the MPO address,
* clarification that public notice of meetings shall occur pursuant to the MPO's adopted Public Participation Plan,
* removal of outdated language for the initial meeting of the committees, and
* simplified language regarding the approval of amendments.
The following major updates are proposed to the Bylaws of the BPAC:
* The current membership of the BPAC includes school district and city agency members which are serving on both the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) and Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). Florida Statutes do not mandate BPAC membership; and upon discussion with those members, the MPO staff are proposing to eliminate the school district and city agencies from the BPAC and creating additional citizen volunteer positions in their place.
* Consistent with the CAC Bylaws, a procedural statement is being added: "When conducting joint meetings with other committees, a Chair of one of the committees shall preside over the meeting for efficiency. The committees may alternate the presiding Chair."
* Upon consideration of the non-voting member positions becoming voting positions for the Florida Department of Transportation, Hernando County Sheriff's Office, and Citrus County Sheriff's Office, the BPAC indicated the positions should remain as non-voting positions to minimize the impact to meeting quorum.
* It was noted after the BPAC meeting that a correction in the draft of the Bylaws was necessary s...
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