Declaration of County Owned Property Located on Mobley Road as Surplus Property and Consideration of Purchase Offer Submitted by Gloria Browdy and Ronald Browdy (Key #1182892)
Hernando County owned Parcel Key No. 1182892 is 12,075 square feet and is located on Mobley Road.
There is one offer to purchase the subject property of this agenda item from Gloria and Ronald Browdy for the sum of $5,000.00. There are no contingent offers.
The Hernando County Property Appraiser's market value on this property is $4,589.00. The offer presented by Gloria and Ronald Browdy is approximately 109% of the Property Appraiser's market value.
Staff recommends the offer being made by Gloria and Ronald Browdy for the sum of $5,000.00 be accepted.
The legal description for this parcel is as follows:
West 115 feet of a lot 105 feet running North and South by
420 feet East and West of a lot in SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section
29, Township 22 S, Range 19E in Hernando County, Florida
and per ORB 745, page 1407 and ORB 748, page 699 in the
Public Records of Hernando County, Florida
Key # 1182892 Parcel # R29 422 19 0000 0430 0010
If this contract is accepted, after closing (per FS 197.592) the proceeds will be deposited in:
Fund: 0011 - General Fund, Account: 3641061 - Sales of Surplus Land.
The Board is authorized to act upon this matter pursuant to Section 125.35, Florida Statutes and Art. VII, Section 2-170, Hernando County Code of Ordinances concerning disposition of Real Property.
If the Board determines that the offer and terms serve the best interests of the County, declare Parcel Key No.1182892 as surplus and authorize the Chairman to sign the Purchase/Sale Agreement, as well as authorize the County Attorney's Office to prepare, or have prepared, the necessary documents to finalize the transaction and execute same on the Board'...
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