Discontinuation of Flamingo Smartcard and Reinstatement of Cash, Paper Passes and Token Transit App for TheBus Fare Collection
The current Transit fare collection system, known as Flamingo, has proven to be unbeneficial for Hernando’s riding public. Flamingo will be discontinued due to limitations of the system.
Beginning September 1, 2023, our customers will have choices to pay their fare to ride on TheBus including, cash, paper passes, and an electronic app called Token Transit.
1. Cash Payment: The customer puts cash in the fare box for their ride one way.
2. Paper Passes: In the past paper passes have proven to be very beneficial to our customers. They allow another option for those who may not be as comfortable with technology. The paper passes allow customers to use thirty-day fares, not available with cash, without use of an app.
3. Token Transit: A downloadable app that allows our customers to buy and use passes at their leisure. There is no requirement to purchase equipment, it’s 100% app based, and the costs to the County are minimal.
Paper Passes costs are a one-time print fee of less than $1,000.
Token Transit: Digital Passes: Fees are calculated as follows:
• For each transaction used on Hernando County’s transit system, Token Transit will retain a digital pass fee of either,10% of the gross total proceeds of the transaction processed by the Services for each transaction that is greater than or equal to $2.00, or $.06 + 7% of the gross total proceeds of the transaction processed by the Services for each transaction that is less than $2.00.
Pursuant to Chapter 125, F.S., the Board has the authority to take the recommended action.
It is recommended that the Board acknowledge the Token Transits digital pass fee schedule and reinstatement of paper passes to replace the Flamingo payment system.