Grant Agreement With State Department of Environmental Protection for Installation of Hut Pumping Station and Force Main Project
The Weeki Wachee Springs and River have been identified as being impaired by high nitrate from numerous sources including septic tanks. A Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) was established including a priority focus area (PFA). The State of Florida has mandated reductions in discharge of nitrogen to ground water within the BMAP. Septic-to-sewer conversions in this area are planned as one method of nitrogen reduction. The Hut Pumping Station and Force Main Project is located in the Weeki Wachee PFA.
This project is necessary to accommodate future sewage flow from septic-to-sewer District E. The project is also needed to serve future growth in the area. The existing pumping station will be upgraded as necessary. 1,400 feet of 12-inch diameter force main will be installed to eliminate a bottleneck in the gravity sewer system and 4,400 feet of the existing 12-inch diameter force main will be replaced with 16-inch diameter pipe. The Hut Pumping Station and Force Main Project is 50% ($1,500,000) State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) grant funded, and 50% Utilities Department enterprise funded.
Funding for this award will be budgeted during FY23.
The Board, on behalf of the Hernando County Water and Sewer District, has the authority to approve this item pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board, on behalf of Hernando County Water and Sewer District, approve and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the attached FDEP Grant Agreement No. WG024 for the Hut Pumping Station and Force Main Project.