Petition Submitted by Steve Dumala and Mary Dumala for Family Hardship From Subdivision Regulations
This subject property is approximately 3,353 feet from Goldsmith Road and is currently 5.0 acres (key no. 893304). The applicants, Steve and Mary Dumala, submitted a Class D Subdivision application to create two (2) parcels from the 5-acre parcel; each parcel would be 2.52 acres.
Section 26-3(e) of the Hernando County Code of Ordinances requires that Class D Subdivisions created in a residential, agricultural-residential, or rural zoning districts shall meet the following:
* Sec 26-3(e) Class D (2) a.i.: Each lot must be created from a parent parcel and each lot must have frontage on an existing county maintained street or private street built and maintained to county standards.
The proposed parcels do not meet the above requirement; therefore, the parcel subdivision was denied. The petitioner seeks approval by the Board for family hardship relief from these requirements.
Should the Board determine that a family hardship is warranted, Section 26-3(g) of the Hernando County Code of Ordinances requires compliance with items (1) through (4) listed in the Legal Note below, and the Board should authorize the Chairman's signature upon the attached approval resolution, which will be recorded in the official records. Likewise, if the petition for family hardship is denied, the Board should authorize the Chairman's signature on the attached denial resolution.
There is no identified financial impact.
The Board has the authority to take action on the requests for relief from the Class D Subdivision regulations due to family hardship in accordance with Chapter 26, Article I, Section 26-3(g) of the Hernando County Code of Ordinances. A petition for such relief may be filed by any person who feels the provisions of the Class D Subdivision regulations, if complied with, would place upon them an undue burden on...
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