Approval of Change Order No. 6 to Purchase Order to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc., for Infrastructure Construction of Dr. Dennis Wilfong Center for Success (Contract No. CG0215/JG; Amount: $43,588.45)
On May 9, 2023, the BOCC approved award of Contract No. 23-CG0215/JG to Goodwin Bros. Construction, Inc. for $1,894,666.20 and authorized the CPO to approve change orders up to allowable budget amount.
Purchase order no. 23000849 was originally issued for $1,894,666.20.
Change order No. 1 was requested for a no cost change to correct original Purchase Order language. The purchase order amount remains $1,894,666.20.
Change order No. 2 was requested to increase in the amount of $20,211.24 for Gopher Tortoise relocation. CPO approved. Purchase order increased from $1,894,666.20 to $1,914,877.44.
Change order No. 3 was requested to increase in the amount of $794,617.86 for additional work required onsite and offsite. CPO approved. Purchase order increased from $1,914,877.44 to $2,709,495.30.
Change order No. 4 was requested to increase in the amount of $1912.92 for modifications to structure 3. CPO approved. Purchase order increased from $2,709,495.30 to $2,711,408.22.
Change order No. 5 was requested to decrease in the amount of $15,059.72 for additions and deductions listed on the Request for Change Order from vendor. CPO approved. Purchase order decreased from $2, 711,408.22 to $2,696,348.50.
Hernando County Administration has requested change order No. 6 in the amount of $43,588.45 for additional expenses listed on the Request for Change Order from vendor. Change order No. 6, in the amount of $43,588.45, would increase the Purchase Order to $2,739,936.95.
Funding, in the amount of $43,588.45, is available in Hernando County Administration:
Fund: 0011 - General Fund, Department: 31001 - BCC-CTY Govt & Educ Center, Account: 5606201 - Bldgs-Constn and/or IMP. Funding has been reviewed for Grant GMS ...
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