Award of Contracts to Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc., Common Ground Ecology, EarthBalance Corporation, and Stroud Engineering Consultants, Inc., for Pre-Qualification of Vendors for Gopher Tortoise Survey, Removal and Relocation Services
On March 8, 2023, the Procurement Department issued a Request for Pre-Qualification, Contract No. 23-TG0011/JG, for Gopher Tortoise Survey, Removal, and Relocation Service. The term of the Qualification period is for three (3) years and may be unilaterally renewed for two (2) additional twelve (12) month periods. As stated in the Request for Approval (RFP), the County reserves the right to qualify multiple Vendor/Contractors.
The Procurement Department placed the legal advertisement and RFP in the Hernando Sun on March 1, 2023, and on OpenGov website on March 8, 2023. A total of four hundred twenty-two (422) potential bidders were notified and twenty-two (22) downloaded the solicitation. Five (5) replies were received on the opening date of April 24, 2023, from the following firms (in alphabetical order):
1. Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc. - Orlando, FL
2. Common Ground Ecology, Inc. - Tampa, FL
3. Earth Balance Corporation - North Port, FL
4. Florida Tortoise Team LLC - West Palm Beach, FL
5. Stroud Engineering Consultants, Odessa, FL
The Department of Public Works employees comprising of Todd Crosby, John Burnett and Marie Warren reviewed the qualifications of the Vendor/Contractor's written proposals.
The Department review resulted in qualifying the following four (4) Vendor/Contractors listed below in alphabetical order:
1. Bio-Tech Consulting, Inc.
2. Common Ground Ecology, Inc.
3. EarthBalance Corporation
4. Stroud Engineering Consultants
Contract will be used on an as-needed basis by multiple departments in Hernando County. Any projects over $35,000.00 will be brought to the Board for approval.
The Board has the authority to take the recommended action pursuant ...
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