Acceptance of State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program 2024 Affordable Housing Incentive Strategy Report
The State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable housing. Hernando County is an active participant in the SHIP program, and as such, receives annual funding to support affordable housing initiatives in the County.
A requirement for continued participation in the SHIP program is the creation, update, and review of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC) report on Local Housing Incentive Strategies (LHIS) to assist with the production and preservation of affordable housing. The most current LHIS Report, and any public comments received, must be presented to the Board of County Commissioners, and submitted to the State by December 30, 2024. The LHIS report identifies the ordinances, policies, and procedures adopted by the County to support these affordable housing incentives. Acceptance of the LHIS report by the BOCC does not implement or endorse any recommendations of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. It is a procedural requirement to receive State SHIP funding.
There is no financial impact associated with the acceptance of the LHIS report.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Section 420.9076, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board accept the 2024 Local Housing Incentive Strategies (LHIS) Report from the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee as approved at its public hearing held on November 14, 2024.