Review and Approval of an Amendment (Revision 3) to the FY 2023-FY 2024 Unified Planning Work Program
Attached is a proposed amendment (Revision 3) to the adopted FY 2023-FY 2024 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP). Revision 3 amends the UPWP by transferring personnel line item funds from Task 1 (LRTP) to Task 3 (Administration) in the amount of $55,000 to align funds, adding language to purchase mobile recording audio/visual equipment (less than $5,000) for public meetings, and adding the recently adopted MPO Board travel policy (Resolution 24-2). The amendment does not alter the funding level of the current UPWP nor its funding agreement (G2774). The proposed amendments appear in redline/strikethrough text in the attached excerpts.
On May 23, 2024, the MPO’s Technical Advisory Committee, Citizen Advisory Committee, and the Bicycle/Pedestrian Committee conducted public meetings and voted to recommend the MPO Board approve the amendment (Revision 3) to the UPWP as outlined herein.
No change to the funding agreement.
Pursuant to Chapter 339.175, Florida Statutes, the MPO Board has the authority to take the recommended action.
It is recommended the MPO Board approve and authorize Staff to transmit Revision 3 to the UPWP for FY 2023 - FY 2024 to the Florida Department of Transportation which addresses the following: transfer of funding in the amount of $55,000 from Task 1 to Task 3 for the personnel line item, adds language to allow for the purchase of audio/visual equipment (less than $5,000) for public meetings, and incorporates the adopted Travel Policy (Resolution 2024-2) into the document.