Award of Term Contract to Consolidated Forest, LLC, for Yard Waste Mulching Services (Contract No. 24-TF00884/JC; Amount: $459,900.00)
The Procurement Department issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 24-TF00884/JC; on December 4, 2024, at the request of the Hernando County Solid Waste and Recycling Department, to obtain bids for Yard Waste Mulching Services.
The Procurement Department placed the legal advertisement in the Hernando Sun on December 6, 2024, and the OpenGov website on December 4, 2024. The bid was sent to three thousand four hundred fifty-nine (3,459) matching vendor/contractors from the website. The bid document was downloaded by twenty-five (25) vendor/contractors and three (3) bid submissions were received.
BIDs RECEIVED: (Bids are listed in lowest to highest Order, with Asterisk denotating recommended awardee)
Consolidated Forest LLC* $2.19 per cubic yard ($153,300.00 Annually)
Consolidated Resource Recovery, Inc. $4.03 per cubic yard ($282,100.00 Annually)
MW Collins, Inc. $7.49 per cubic yard ($524,300.00 Annually)
Bids were reviewed and evaluated by the Procurement Department to determine if bids were responsive and responsible. The bids were then reviewed and evaluated by the Hernando County Solid Waste and Recycling Department for award recommendation based on price, conformance with specifications and the Bidder's ability to perform the contract in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications required.
A Notice of Intent to Award the contract to Consolidated Forest, LLC dated January 29, 2025, was posted to the OpenGov website and posted to the Hernando County Administration electronic public bulletin board. The award is for a three (3) year contract with two (2), one (1) year unilateral renewals. No challenges to the Notice of Intent to Award were received.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies a...
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