Work Authorization Agreement With DEEB Construction and Development Co., for Companero Phase 1 Project for Utilities Department (Contract No. 23-T00040/AP Q20; Amount: $321,512.05)
On September 26, 2023, the Board approved Contract No. 23-T00040/AP Pre-qualification for Construction Services under $500,000 (agenda item no. 12623), pre-qualifying firms under three categories, A-Public Works, C-Utilities, and D-Facilities, to provide quotes for County projects as needed.
On October 21, 2024, the Utilities Department issued a Request for Quote (23-T00040/AP Quote #20) for the Companero Phase 1 Project and the Request for Quote was sent to all contractor's pre-qualified for Category C - Utilities:
* Deeb Construction & Development Co.
* Goodwin Brothers Construction, Inc.
One contractor responded to the Request for quote:
* Deeb Construction & Development Co., in the amount of $321,512.05
Bids were reviewed and evaluated by the Utilities Department for price, conformance to specifications and the Bidder's ability to perform the contract in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications required and recommended Deeb Construction & Development Co., in the amount of $321,512.05.
Hernando County has an Anti-Human Trafficking Affidavit on file for this contract.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Funding in the amount of $321,512.05 is available in Fund: 4121 - HCUD RENEWAL AND REPLCMNT, Department: 07201- RENEWAL AND REPLACEMENT, Account: 5626302 - IMPROV-WATER LINE UPGRADE
In accordance with Part II, Chapter 2, Article V of the Hernando County Code of Ordinances.
It is recommended that the Board authorize the Chairman's signature on the attached Work Authorization to Deeb Construction & Development Co., in the amount of $321,512.05 for the Companero ...
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