Acceptance of National Fitness Campaign Grant Award for One-Time Sole Source Purchase of National Fitness Campaign Fitness Court at Veterans Memorial Park
On March 20, 2023, Hernando County Parks and Recreation Department submitted an application to National Fitness Campaign (NFC) to become a partner in the NFC program for a Fitness Court in Veteran’s Park. The application was approved by NFC and Hernando County has been awarded $30,000 in grant funding from NFC towards the purchase of an NFC Fitness Court. The total cost of the Fitness Court is $155,000, the grant award reduces the cost or match required for the award by $30,000 making the total cost for purchase $125,000.
NFC Fitness Court is a trademarked outdoor infrastructure product and cannot be procured from any other organization. The grant award is contingent upon the purchase of the trademarked NFC Fitness Court.
The Procurement Department posted “Notice of Intended Sole Source Purchase” of subject project on May 05, 2023, with the last date for market challenges on November 22, 2023. No challenges were received.
$125,000 is available in Account No. 0011-04441-5606301 Improv (Grtr than 10,000).
The Board has the authority to take the recommended action on this item pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board approve the NFC grant award and authorize the Chairman’s signature on the attached non-binding Letter of Support. It is further recommended that the Board authorize the purchase of the NFC Fitness Court contingent upon receipt of the NFC grant award.