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File #: 13346   
Type: MPO Agenda Item Status: Adopted
File created: 12/6/2023 In control: Metropolitan Planning Organization
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action: 2/6/2025
Enactment date: Enactment #:
Title: Adopt the Florida Department of Transportation's Updated Targets for System Performance Pavement and Bridge Conditions (PM2) and System Performance Travel Time Reliability (PM3)
Adopt the Florida Department of Transportation's Updated Targets for System Performance Pavement and Bridge Conditions (PM2) and System Performance Travel Time Reliability (PM3)

State Departments of Transportation (DOTs) and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are required to track performance measures, setting data-driven targets, and selecting projects to achieve those targets to implement performance-based planning and programming of roadway improvements.

Safety measures encompass all public roads; however, the measures for highway infrastructure condition and reliability/freight movement are specific to Florida's portion of the National Highway System (NHS). The Florida Department of Transportation's system-wide approach to programming and prioritizing pavements and bridges addresses risk, prevents gaps, and is built on financial planning and investment strategies to address applicable needs at the right time.

Target setting frequency for PM2 (bridge and pavement performance) and PM3 (system reliability performance) are four-year intervals with an optional target adjustment at midpoint. The State must establish the target by October 1 of each four-year period and the MPOs then have 180 days after the State sets the target to adopt targets for PM2 and PM3. This year's due date is March 30, 2025.

All MPOs adopted the statewide pavement targets. All MPOs adopted the bridge statewide targets except one, which set higher targets for pavement condition on the non-interstate portion of the NHS.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) determined that Florida has met the 2023 targets and is on track to exceed the 2025 targets. In mid-2024, FDOT adjusted the target for the Percent of NHS Bridges in Poor Condition (PM2) from =10.0% (2023 target) to =5.0% (new 2025 target) as Florida's performance exceeded the targets. The State has set the following performance measure targets for 2025:

Federal Performance Me...

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