Ratification of Submittal of Hurricane Mitigation Grant Program Funding to State Department of Emergency Management for Disaster Assistance Resulting From Hurricane Idalia for Gulfview Drive and Mangrove Drive Elevation Projects
On February 23, 2024, the Florida Department of Emergency Management announced the availability of the Hurricane Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) funds for projects associated with Hurricane Idalia. Hernando County was allocated $5.1 million in funds for qualifying projects.
The Department of Emergency Management convened its Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) committee on March 7, 2024, and introduced the Hurricane Mitigation Grant Program HMGP funding. Through collaboration with the LMS committee and Tidal Basin, a consultancy firm providing technical assistance on behalf of the Florida Department of Emergency Management, the Department presented two projects to the County Administrator for approval in one comprehensive application package:
* Stantz (3362 Gulfview Drive, Hernando Beach) - Home Elevation
* Neste (3344 Mangrove Drive, Hernando Beach) - Home Elevation
Total Project Cost - $579,768.65
In addition, the LMS committee provided a letter of support for the Withlacoochee River Electric Cooperative (WREC) and the Hernando Beach Club to apply directly to FDEM for consideration. If awarded, these projects will be allocated funding from the Hernando County allocation, as the entirety of these projects are within Hernando's borders. These projects total $1,741,145.40.
The project was submitted in accordance with the Florida Department of Emergency Management deadline on June 7, 2024. Due to the extensive documentation associated with this application, approval by the Board prior to submittal was not feasible.
There is no financial impact to the County for this application. If awarded, the local match required (25% of the project cost) will be paid by the individual homeowners...
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