Award of Contracts to JF Electric, LLC, LEW Electrical Services, LLC, and Taddeo Electrical Contractors, Inc., for Electrical Maintenance, Repairs and Improvements on As-Needed Basis for Facilities Maintenance Department (Contract No. 24-T00728/JG)
The Procurement Department issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 24-T00728/JG on May 1, 2024, at the request of the Hernando County Facilities Maintenance, to obtain bids for electrical repairs for County facilities on an as-needed basis.
The Procurement Department staff placed the legal advertisement in the Hernando Sun on May 3, 2024, and the OpenGov website on May 1, 2024. The bid was sent to three thousand one hundred thirteen (3,113) matching vendor/contractors from the website. The bid document was downloaded by twenty-eight (28) vendor/contractors and six (6) bid submissions were received.
The following is a summary of the responses received. The bids were based on a yearly approximation of the number of working hours, including overtime hours, provided by the Facilities Department.
BIDs RECEIVED: Approximate Total for Three (3) Year Contract
JF Electric, LLC $16,275.00
Taddeo Electrical Contractors, Inc. $17,512.50
LEW Electrical Services, LLC $19,260.00
Suncoast Electric, LLC $22,987.50
Accurate Power and Technology, Inc. $24,900.00
Respalcorp Electric, LLC $27,600.00
Bids were reviewed and evaluated by the Procurement Department to determine if they were responsive and responsible. The bids were then reviewed and evaluated by the Hernando County Facility Maintenance staff for award recommendation based on price, conformance with specifications and the Bidder's ability to perform the contract in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications required. The County's right to make multiple awards to the lowest, responsive, and responsible bidders was exercised.
A Notice of Intent to Award the contract to JF Electric, Taddeo...
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