Final Close-Out of Contract With Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., for English Sparrow Road and Eskimo Curlew Road Resurfacing Project (Contract No. 22-C00127/DK; Amount: $39,137.68)
Final Close-Out of Contract with Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., for English Sparrow and Eskimo Curlew Resurfacing Project awarded by the Board on November 29, 2022, Doc Id. No. 11375, to Goodwin Bros Construction., in the amount of $788,398.08.
Change Order One (1) was to increase purchase order due to additional materials and work request due to unknown buried culvert damaged when mixing the road for the stabilized subgrade. Total increase was for $15,335.52. Purchase order was increased from $788,398.08 to $803,733.60.
Change Order Two (2) will be completed after Final Pay packet is posted. Encumbrance balance is currently not sufficient to decrease Line1 Project Code 110930 by $59,118.82, during final pay process a credit will be applied to Line 1 Project Code 110930 that will allow for the change order to be processed in Finance Plus. The change order will decrease the purchase order in the amount of $146,371.05 and close out the purchase order. Purchase order will decrease from $803,733.60 to $657,362.55.
The Final Contract amount is $657,362.55 (PO No. 23000490).
The work has been completed and Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., has submitted its Final Pay Application No. Four (4) in the amount of $39,137.68.
All releases properly include Hernando County. Goodwin Bros Construction, Inc., has signed a release of lien. No notices of lien or claims of lien have been filed on the project.
Funding in the amount of $39,137.68 is available in the following accounts: Account No. 1013-03211-5616313 (Debt Srv/Reserv-Const GT - Improv-Surface Treatment in the amount of $6,599.53 and Retainage Account No. 1013-2050067 (Constitutional Gas Tax, Retainage - Goodwin Construction) in the amount of $32,538.15.
The Bo...
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