Discussion Regarding Potential Roundabout at Ayers Road, Hayman Road, and Culbreath Road Intersection
The Department of Public Works requested its consultant, Burgess & Niple, Inc., to conduct an Intersection Traffic Analysis at the intersection of Culbreath Road (CR 581) at Ayers/Hayman Road (CR 576) as a follow up to the Traffic Signal Warrant Analysis conducted in June 2020. The attached Intersection Evaluation Study dated June 2023 compares and evaluates the alternatives of a traffic signal or a roundabout for the intersection.
Construction costs for a Traffic Signal were estimated at $2,114,467.00. Construction costs for a Roundabout were estimated at $2,057,769.00. Only construction costs were included in the study as right of way acquisition and drainage costs are unknown.
Should the Board approve moving forward with a roundabout design and acquisition of property necessary for additional right of way and drainage needs, a fee schedule and scope of work will be requested from the consultant. Negotiations with property owners will also take place and be brought back to the Board for consideration.
Based on the Intersection Evaluation Study conducted by Burgess & Niple, Inc., staff is requesting approval to move forward with a roundabout design and acquisition of property necessary for additional right of way and drainage needs.
Funding for the Culbreath and Ayers/Hayman Intersection Improvements (Project No. 112004 estimated at $2,100,000,00 is included in the FY 2024-28 CIP Account No. 3333-03323-5616306 Impact Fee - Road Dist. 3, Improve-Road & Bridges.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended the Board discuss and approve to move forward with a roundabout design and acquisition of property necessary for additional right of way and drainage needs for intersection improvement of Culb...
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