Final Close-Out of Contract With Seggie Custom Builders, LLC, for Airport Water Reclamation, Glen Water Reclamation and Ridge Manor Wastewater Treatment Facilities Roof Project (Contract No. 19-R00007; Amount: $7,578.78)
The Wastewater Facilities Roof Project was awarded by the Board on May 24, 2022, Doc. Id. No. 19715 to Seggie Custom Builders, LLC in the amount of $63,885.00. This project is Quote No. Seventy (70) under Contract No. 19-R00007 Construction Services under $200K.
Change Order No. One (1) increase for replacement of damaged plywood, increased the Contract amount by $1,350.00 from $63,885.00 to $65,235.00.
The Final Contract amount is $65,235.00 (PO No. 22000883).
The work has been completed and Seggie Custom Builders, LLC has submitted its Final Pay Application No. Two (2) in the amount of $7,578.78.
Funding in the amount of $7,578.78 is available in Retainage Account 44111-2050214 in the amount of $3,034.54 and Account 4111-07121-5304601 HCUD Wastewater Operation, Repair/Maint-Bldg. & Grd. in the amount of $4,544.24.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to F.S. Chapter 125 (All releases properly include Hernando County).
It is recommended the Board approve final pay request No. Two (2) in the amount of $7,578.78 to Seggie Custom Builders, LLC to close out Quote 70, Wastewater Facilities Roof Project under Contract No. 19-R00007 Construction Services under $200K.
The final Contract amount for this unit is $65,235.00, a Contract amount increase of $1,350.00 over BOCC award.