H-23-18 - 75 Cortez:
Master Plan Revision on Property PDP(HHC)/Planned Development Project (Heavy Highway Commercial) with a rezoning to CPDP (Combined Planned Development Project) to include Industrial, Corporate Park, Recreational and Congregate Care with Deviations; North of Cortez Blvd, approximately 2,000' west of I-75
Master Plan Revision on Property PDP(HHC)/Planned Development Project (Heavy Highway Commercial) with a rezoning to CPDP (Combined Planned Development Project) to include Industrial, Corporate Park, Recreational and Congregate Care with Deviations.
General Location:
North of Cortez Blvd, approximately 2,000' west of I-75
Hearing Detail:
On February 9, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners voted 4-0 to adopt Resolution 2021-19 approving a Master Plan Revision on property zoned CPDP (Combined Planned Development Project) and a Rezoning to PDP(HHC)/Planned Development Project (Heavy Highway Commercial) with unmodified performance conditions.
A matter of policy. There is no financial impact.
The Planning and Zoning Commission has jurisdiction to make a recommendation on the subject application. The Applicable Criteria for a Zoning District Amendment are contained in Appendix A, (Zoning Code) Article VI. The Applicable Criteria for Planned Development Projects are contained in Appendix A, (Zoning Code) Article VIII. The Zoning District Amendment to the Planned Development District and applicable PDP master plan must be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan.
It is recommended the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend the Board of County Commissioners adopt a resolution approving a Master Plan Revision on property zoned CPDP (Combined Planned Development Project) and a Rezoning to PDP(HHC)/Planned Development Project (Heavy Highway Commercial) with unmodified performance conditions.