Ratification of Application Submitted to Federal Aviation Administration for Funding Through Contract Tower Competitive Program for Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport
On August 20, 2024, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announced the availability of funds through the FAA Contract Tower Competitive Program. This program provides opportunities for airports to:
* Sustain, construct, repair, improve, rehabilitate, modernize, replace, or relocate nonapproach control towers.
* Acquire and install air traffic control, communications, and related equipment to be used in those towers.
* Construct a remote tower certified by the FAA including acquisition and installation of air traffic control, communications, or related equipment.
* Mobilize American ingenuity to build modern infrastructure and an equitable, clean energy future.
* Consider how the project will address the challenges faced by individuals in underserved communities, communities with environmental justice concerns and rural areas, as well as accessibility for persons with disabilities.
* Promotes the competitiveness of the U.S. economy, improve opportunities for good-paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union by focusing on high labor standards, strengthening infrastructure resilience to all hazards, including climate change, and to effectively coordinate with State, local, tribal, and territorial government partners.
* Greenhouse gas reduction goals, promote energy efficiency, support fiscally responsible land use and transportation efficient design, support development compatible with the use of sustainable aviation fuels and technologies, increase climate resilience, incorporate sustainable and less emissions-intensive pavement and construction materials as allowable and reduce pollution.
The Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional Airport (BKV) has proposed two elements for the proposed project. The first element is the acquisition and installa...
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