Award of Contract to AJ General Construction Services, Inc., for Spring Hill Drive, Mariner Boulevard, Northcliffe Boulevard, Landover Boulevard and Seven Hills Drive Sidewalk Repair Projects (Contract No. 23-C00002/DK; Amount: $244,241.02)
The Hernando County Procurement Department issued Invitation to Bid (ITB) No. 23-C00002/DK for Multi Sidewalk Repairs. The Procurement Department placed the legal advertisement and the ITB on the County's electronic Procurement Portal on February 15, 2023. The bid was sent to two thousand two hundred and eighty-two (2,282) matching vendors from the website. The bid document was downloaded by twenty-six (26) vendors and two (2) bids were received.
The bids received are as follows:
Bidder Total Base Amount Total Base Amount
One (1) Year Three (3) Year
AJ General Construction Services, Inc. $244,241.02 $732,723.06
Property Services GC $398,428.00 $1,195,284.00
The project cost was initially estimated at:
* Spring Hill Drive $31,861.11
* Mariner Boulevard (House Numbers Odd) $43,583.33
* Mariner Boulevard (House Numbers Even) $32,311.11
* Northcliffe Boulevard $27,055.56
* Landover Boulevard $10,177.78
* Seven Hills Drive $ 7,511.11
TOTAL ESTIMATE: $152,500.00
The Bids were evaluated on the basis of price, conformance with specifications, and the bidder's ability to perform the contract in accordance with the terms, conditions and specifications required. The Bid responses were reviewed and evaluated by County department staff and found to be responsive and responsible. The Department review and award recommendation indicates that bid pricing is fair and reasonable.
The Chief Procurement Officer has reviewed this requirement for conformance to Procurement Ordinance and Purchasing Policies and Procedures.
Funds are available in Account No. 1017-03232-5303401 ($244,241.02) LOGT Fuel 1-6, Road Maintenance, Contra...
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