Approval of Right of Entry Agreements With Allen Colon and Joshua William Heitl Colon; and Owl Investment Enterprises, LLC, to Repair and Reconstruct Road Located on Old Spring Lake Road
Hernando County has identified significant damage at two privately owned parcels along Old Spring Lake Road where the roadway has subsided. To facilitate necessary repairs, the Department of Public Works seeks approval to obtain Right-of-Entry agreements allowing access to these private properties along the area of the damaged roadway.
If approved, these agreements will permit County personnel and contractors to work beyond the existing right-of-way to repair and reconstruct the affected sections of Old Spring Lake Road. This initiative aims to mitigate safety hazards for property owners and ensure the well-being of the community.
Staff recommends that the Board approve the Right-of-Entry Agreements to allow the Hernando County Department of Public Works to proceed with the necessary repairs and reconstruction of the affected roadway.
The Right of Entry Agreements do not have a cost associated with them therefore there is not a financial impact. Roadway repairs will be completed utilizing Department of Public Works Maintenance crews.
The Board has the authority to act on this matter pursuant to Chapter 125, Florida Statutes.
It is recommended that the Board approve the attached Right-of-Entry Agreements granting access for the purpose of reconstructing the road that affects both property owners’ access to their properties on Old Spring Lake Road.