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Meeting Name: Board of County Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/23/2023 9:00 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: John Law Ayers Commission Chambers, Room 160
Regular Meeting
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes Minutes Packet: Minutes Packet Minutes Packet  
Agenda packet: Agenda Packet Agenda Packet
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
12164 1.Agenda ItemAcceptance of Modification No. 2 to Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Funding From Federal Emergency Management Agency and State Division of Emergency Management for Disaster Assistance Resulting From Hurricane Irma for Gulf Wind Circle Elevation and Wind RetrofitadoptedPass Action details Not available
12234 2.Agenda ItemAmendment for Extension of Public Transportation Grant Agreement With State Department of Transportation for Extension of Runway 9-27 at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional AirportadoptedPass Action details Not available
12203 3.Agenda ItemAmendment No. 1 to Contract With Coastal Engineering Associates, Inc., for Engineering Services for Septic to Sewer Conversion, District A, and Development of Septic Upgrade Incentive Program for Utilities DepartmentadoptedPass Action details Not available
12137 4.Agenda ItemMemorandum of Agreement Between State Department of Corrections and Hernando County Fire and Emergency Services for Emergency ServicesadoptedPass Action details Not available
12241 5.Agenda ItemRatification of National Fitness Campaign Grant Application for National Fitness Campaign Fitness Court at Veterans Memorial ParkadoptedPass Action details Not available
12196 6.ResolutionResolution Authorizing Public Transportation Grant Agreement With Department of Transportation for State Block Grant Transit FundingadoptedPass Action details Not available
12183 7.Agenda ItemVendor Payment Agreement With Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., and Hernando County Water and Sewer District for Low Income Household Water Assistance Program   Action details Video Video
12193 8.Agenda ItemStaging Site Agreement With Duke Energy Florida, LLC, a/k/a Duke Energy for Temporary Staging Area at Brooksville-Tampa Bay Regional AirportadoptedPass Action details Not available
12191 9.Agenda ItemDeclaration of Various Tangible Property as Surplus for Disposal and Removal From Fixed Asset InventoryadoptedPass Action details Not available
12229 10.Agenda ItemSatisfaction of Judgment in Case of Hernando County vs. Steven B. Interdonato, et aladoptedPass Action details Not available
12185 11.Agenda ItemTransmittal of List of Accounts Payable Disbursements for Weeks Ended April 28, 2023, and May 5, 2023adoptedPass Action details Not available
12272 12.MinutesApproval of Minutes for Interlocal Governmental Meeting of March 30, 2023adoptedPass Action details Not available
12183 7.Agenda ItemVendor Payment Agreement With Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., and Hernando County Water and Sewer District for Low Income Household Water Assistance ProgramadoptedPass Action details Video Video
12267 1.Correspondence to NoteCorrespondence From Brooksville Main Street, Inc., Chairman Christopher Rhodes, Regarding Off-Site Alcohol Consumption at Brooksville Blueberry Festival   Action details Not available
12227 2.Correspondence to NoteNotice of Conditional Use Permit Actions Taken by Planning and Zoning Commission on May 8, 2023   Action details Not available
12186 3.Correspondence to NoteNotice of Purchasing Policy Exceptions for April 2023   Action details Not available
12228 4.Correspondence to NoteNotice of Special Exception Use Permit Action Taken by Planning and Zoning Commission on May 8, 2023   Action details Not available
12200 5.Correspondence to NoteTransmittal From Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Audit Services Department of Airport Construction Contracts Audit Report Dated April 26, 2023   Action details Not available
12201 6.Correspondence to NoteTransmittal From Clerk of Circuit Court and Comptroller Audit Services Department of Parks and Recreation Department Contract Compliance and Financial Control Environment Follow-Up Audit Report Dated April 12, 2023   Action details Not available
12244 7.Correspondence to NoteTransmittal of Minutes From Spring Ridge Community Development District Board of Supervisors Meeting of January 9, 2023   Action details Not available
12246 1.Agenda ItemAppointment of Paul Passarelli and Richard Savenero, Sr. as Members to Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for Two-Year Term in Accordance With State Housing Initiatives Partnership ActadoptedPass Action details Video Video
11441 2.Agenda ItemUpdate Regarding Ongoing Board Directives   Action details Video Video
12223 1.ResolutionBudget Resolution Recognizing Difference Between Budgeted Fund Balances and Actual Fund Balances Recorded at End of FY 2022-23adoptedPass Action details Not available
12224 2.ResolutionBudget Resolution Recognizing Difference Between Budgeted Fund Balances and Actual Fund Balances Recorded at End of FY 2022-23adoptedPass Action details Not available
12232 3.Agenda ItemAcceptance of National Fitness Campaign Grant Award for One-Time Sole Source Purchase of National Fitness Campaign Fitness Court at Veterans Memorial ParkadoptedPass Action details Not available
12238 4.Agenda ItemAmendment No. 1 to Contract With Robert A. Buckner and Associates, Inc., for Realtor/Marketing Agent Services (Contract No. RFP 22-R00060/TPR)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12222 5.Agenda ItemAward of Contract to Air Mechanical and Service Corporation for Hernando County Sheriff’s Office Building Air Conditioning Replacement Project (Contract No. 18-TF0049/DK; Amount: $56,429.58)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12177 6.Agenda ItemAward of Contract to AJ General Construction Services, Inc., for Spring Hill Drive, Mariner Boulevard, Northcliffe Boulevard, Landover Boulevard and Seven Hills Drive Sidewalk Repair Projects (Contract No. 23-C00002/DK; Amount: $244,241.02)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12147 7.Agenda ItemProgrammatic Agreement Letter to T-Mobile South, LLCadoptedPass Action details Not available
12194 8.Agenda ItemPurchase of Saltwater Submersible Rescue Equipment From Municipal Emergency Services Utilizing Lake County Contract for Fire Equipment Supplies (Amount: $40,425.00)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12274 9.Agenda ItemRequest for Additional Funding for Third Party Services to Maintain Efficiencies for Procurement Department (Amount: $55,552.17)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12270  Agenda ItemDiscussion Regarding South Brooksville Concerns and Projects   Action details Video Video
12184  Agenda ItemProposed Recipients for Hernando County Opioid Prevention Grant ProgramadoptedPass Action details Video Video
12084  PresentationPresentation Regarding Nature Coast Aquatic Preserve Management Plan   Action details Video Video
12192 1.ResolutionAgreement With State Department of Transportation for Implementation of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit and Associated Budget ResolutionadoptedPass Action details Video Video
12160 2.ResolutionCooperative Funding Initiative Project Agreement With Southwest Florida Water Management District for Brittle Road Within Lizzie Hart Sink Watershed Stormwater Improvement Feasibility Study and Associated Budget ResolutionadoptedPass Action details Not available
12088 3.Agenda ItemDeclaration of County Owned Property Located on Budowski Road as Surplus Property and Consideration of Purchase Offers Submitted by Potential Buyers (Key #593968)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12090 4.Agenda ItemDeclaration of County Owned Property Located on Fig Avenue as Surplus Property and Consideration of Purchase Offer Submitted by Imtiaz Ranjha (Key #28589)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12170 5.Agenda ItemDeclaration of County Owned Property Located on Tiger Street as Surplus Property and Consideration of Purchase Offer Submitted by Jose Baez and Ibraham Baez (Key #59929)adoptedPass Action details Not available
12063 6.Agenda ItemInstallation of Additional Street Lights Within Oakwood Acres Street Lighting Municipal Service Benefit UnitadoptedPass Action details Not available
12152 7.ResolutionResolution Prohibiting Parking Within Right of Ways in Hawthorne Place, Bristol Place, Somerton Place, and Brighton Place in Villages of Avalon, and Providing for Placement of “No Parking on Right of Way” SignsadoptedPass Action details Not available
12273 1.OrdinanceOrdinance Amending Chapter 28, Regulation of Use of Fertilizers Containing Nitrogen and/or Phosphorus, to Implement Regulations to Minimize Negative Environmental Effects Caused by Misuse of FertilizersadoptedPass Action details Video Video
12085 2.ResolutionFY 2024 Non-Ad Valorem Assessment Rate Increase for Orchard Park III Multipurpose Municipal Service Benefit Unit and Establishment of Future Maximum RateadoptedPass Action details Video Video